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Revista Palmas
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Revista Palmas
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Repositorio Fedepalma.
Revista Palmas: Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 2549
Visita técnica: proyecto de generación de energía a partir de biomasa
Federación Nacional de Cultivadores de Palma de Aceite (Fedepalma),
El mercado de aceite de palma en Colombia y sus retos a futuro
Federación Nacional de Cultivadores de Palma de Aceite (Fedepalma),
Programa de Aceite de Palma Sostenible de Colombia
Federación Nacional de Cultivadores de Palma de Aceite (Fedepalma),
Premio a la Mujer Palmera Campesina 2018
Federación Nacional de Cultivadores de Palma de Aceite (Fedepalma),
La agroindustria de la palma de aceite en Colombia: comprometida con la sostenibilidad
Mesa Dishington, Jens
Clúster de bioenergías: ¡Juntos hacemos más!
Federación Nacional de Cultivadores de Palma de Aceite (Fedepalma),
RSPO: 10 años en Latinoamérica
Webber, Darrel
Presentation of the Study “A Commitment to the Competitiveness of Tumaco: Territorial Construction, Productive Inclusion and Social Welfare”
Mejía Hernández, Adriana
Main Challenges for Colombian and Latin American Oil Palm Companies in the Implementation of RSPOStandards
Webber, Darrel
A New Perspective for the Transformation of Agribusiness Systems: Implications for Colombian Oil Palm
Tugendhat, Eduardo
Message by the President of the Republic of Colombia, to the National Congress of Oil Palm Growers
Santos Calderón, Juan Manuel
Message by Jorge Enrique Bedoya Vizcaya, President of the Colombian Agricultural Association
Bedoya Vizcaya, Jorge Enrique
Oil palm in Colombia: A Dynamic Agroindustry with Great Potential for Development
Mesa Dishington, Jens
Message by Samuel Zambrano Canizales, Vice-minister of Agricultural Affairs
Zambrano Canizalez, Samuel
Oil Palm in Colombia in 2030. A possible dream?
Dangond Lacouture, Luis Francisco
Challenges for a Good Corporate Governance
Gómez Betancourt, Gonzalo
Environmental Value Creation: Opportunities for Colombian Palm Oil Mills
Hoof, Bart Van; Sánchez, Carina; Saer, Alex
Promoting the Consumption of Colombian Palm Oil: An Effort by All
Peña, Juan Carlos
Lean Six Sigma: Efficiency for Oil Palm Companies
Villafuerte, Jaime A.
Palm Oil Free, with more Saturated Fats. A Comparative Research on the Nutritional Profile Indicated on the Packaging of 60 Food Products
Campagne Liberali, For Free Choice Institute
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