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Koha: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 14744
Supply and prices outlook for Philippines coconut oil in 2003.
Palm and Lauric Oils Conferences and Exhibition. Price Outlook 2003/2004 March 17-19 : Kuala Lumpur, Malasia. 43167; Agustin, Yvonne T.V. 54639
What's next in oleochemicals - implications for feedstocks prices or vice versa.
Palm and Lauric Oils Conferences and Exhibition. Price Outlook 2003/2004 March 17-19 : Kuala Lumpur, Malasia : 43167.; Brunskill, Alan 38879.
Small renewable energy power programme (SREP).
engergy Comission, SREP Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malasia 52252.
Sustainable palm oil production in Malaysia and the price outlook for 2003/2004.
Palm and Lauric Oils Conferences and Exhibition. Price Outlook 2003/2004 March 17-19, 2003 : Kuala Lumpur, Malasia. 54642; Bek-Nielsen, Carl. 49372
Exchange rate shifts, cost competitiveness and supply responses in the oils and meals markets : implications for the 2003/2004 price outlook.
Palm and Lauric Oils Conferences and Exhibition. Price Outlook 2003/2004 March 17-19 : Kuala Lumpur, Malasia. 43167; Fry, James. 37037
Manual del cultivo de palma aceitera (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) para la Zona Noroccidental del Ecuador.
Chávez M, Francisco 46472, autor. aut; Rivadeneira, Julio 46473.
Management and Auditing of Plantations. Training Notes for Fedepalma, Colombia.
Golden Hope Agrotech Consultancy SDN.BHD.,Kuala Lumpur (Malasia) 46471.
Impact of India's drought on palm oil price outlook 2003 - 2004.
Palm and Lauric Oils Conferences and Exhibition. Price Outlook 2003/2004 March 17-19 : Kuala Lumpur, Malasia. 43167; Mistry, Dorab E. 49175
Outlook for palm and lauric oils in Indonesia.
Palm and Lauric Oils Conferences and Exhibition. Price Outlook 2003/2004 March 17-19 : Kuala Lumpur, Malasia : 43167.; Tan Siauw, Liang 51106.
Estructuración técnica, económica, financiera y legal del proyecto de recuperación del Río Magdalena.
Corporación Autónoma Regional del Rio grande de La Magdalena. 54644
Towards corporate environmental excellence. The role of Business in Sustainable Development.
Teoh, Cheng Hai 37654, autor. aut; Nartin, Abraham 37655.
Normas Internacionales de Auditoría. Pronunciamientos Técnicos.
Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, A.C. 54643
Standard agronomic procedures and practices.
Gillbanks, Roger A. 46483, autor. aut
Canopy management to optimize yield.
von Uexkull, Helmut 46485, autor. aut; Fairhurst, Thomas 37873.; Henson, Ian E. 41147.
Clonal oil palm : Production, yield performance. Nutritional requirements.
Ng, Siew Kee 45947, autor. aut; Dayaroganam, P. 46476.; Harder, Rolf 46477.; Khaw, Cheng Haw 46478.; Leng, KaYee 46479.; Ooi, S.H. 46480.; Thong, Kar Cheong 46481.; von Uexkull, Helmut 46485.
The search for yield in oil palm : Basic principles.
Breure, Kees 46475, autor. aut
Oil Palm : management for large and sustainable yields.
Fairhurst, Thomas 37873, autor. aut; Härdter, Rolf 37663.
Land Selection for Oil Palm.
Paramananthan, S. 36977, autor. aut
Botanical aspects for the oil palm relevant to crop management.
Ng, Siew Kee 45947, autor. aut; Hardter, Rolf 37663.; von Uexkull, Helmut 46485.
The role of nutrition in disease control.
Turner, Peter D. 42062, autor. aut
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