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dc.creatorInternational Conference on Pests and Diseases of Importance to the Oil Palm Industry. Fostering Global Cooperation in Instituting Quarantine Shield May 18-19 : Kuala Lumpur, Malasia : 46845.
dc.creatorAthipunjakom, Pornpimon 46796.
dc.creatorChayopas, Thavesak 46797.
dc.creatorLikhietakaraj, Srisurang 46798.
dc.creatorSienglew, Pipat 46799.
dc.description2 ref.
dc.publisherKuala Lumpur : MPOB,
dc.subjectEnfermedades de las plantas.
dc.subjectInsectos dañinos.
dc.subjectPalma de aceite
dc.titleKey pests and diseses of oil alm - biology, epidemiology and control methods.

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