dc.creator | International Conference on Pests and Diseases of Importance to the Oil Palm Industry. Fostering Global Cooperation in Instituting Quarantine Shield
May 18-19 :
Kuala Lumpur, Malasia :
46845. | |
dc.creator | Airede, C.E.
44944. | |
dc.creator | Aisagbonhi, C.I.
44949. | |
dc.creator | Appiah, F.O.
46820. | |
dc.creator | Kolade, K.O.
44946. | |
dc.date | 2004. | |
dc.description | Incluye referencias bibliográficas. | |
dc.language | ng | |
dc.publisher | Kuala Lumpur : MPOB, | |
dc.subject | Control de plagas. | |
dc.subject | Enfermedades de las plantas. | |
dc.subject | Epidemiología. | |
dc.subject | Insectos dañinos. | |
dc.subject | lista de insectos | |
dc.subject | Vivero | |
dc.subject | Ciclo de vida. | |
dc.subject | Palma de aceite | |
dc.title | Key pests and diseases of oil palm in Africa . Their biology, epidemiology and methods of control. | |
dc.type | text | |