dc.creator | International Conference on Pests and Diseases of Importance to the Oil Palm Industry. Fostering Global Cooperation in Instituting Quarantine Shield
May 18-19, 2004 :
Kuala Lumpur, Malasia :
46828. | |
dc.creator | Adon, N. B.
46829. | |
dc.creator | Bakoumé, C.
41028. | |
dc.creator | Tengoua, F. F.
41371. | |
dc.date | 2004. | |
dc.description | Incluye 14 referencias bibliográficas. | |
dc.language | ng | |
dc.publisher | Kuala Lumpur : MPOB, | |
dc.subject | Control de enfermedades. | |
dc.subject | Enfermedades de las plantas. | |
dc.subject | Ganoderma. | |
dc.subject | pudrición basal del tallo | |
dc.subject | Palma de aceite | |
dc.title | Assessment of the incidence of the basal stem rot caused by Ganoderma sp. in the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) Oilpalm Plantation at Mussaka (South West Province of Cameroon). | |
dc.type | text | |